WAEC: Lowest Enrollment in history of Ebiraland - EYC


Ebira Youth Congress (EYC) is perturbed and held sway, in operational principle, by the low enrollment of Ebira students for the 2022 internal Senior School Certificate Exams called WAEC, as occasioned by financial incapacitations - a gateway certificate into the world of all levels of higher education and career.

These affected candidates have become  considerably distracted and emotionally taken aback as the grassroot bleats over the scary aura of such circumstance.

Too sad a finding to reveal an all time record lowest of enrollment in history this 2022, which consequently triggered our push for immediate grassroot intervention to this effect, as WAEC registration closure jingles in not too many days away. 

EYC beckons to our leaders of thought and very significantly, our intending political aspirants to utilize this window of opportunity to practically display some level of responsibility to prove to the people whom they already claim to want to serve and show some love.

Education is the hallmark of development in our place, and to think of how key is such exit certificate calls for urgent serious concerns. You shall not be forgotten in a hurry for wading in with rapt intervention. And hopefully enough that, posterity would be fair to your name. 


Obiyo Ateiza Aliyu, 


Ebira Youth Congress (EYC).


February 9, 2022.

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