Let me first register my unreserved appreciation on this privilege granted. I'm sincerely grateful for you found me worthy of the privilege.

The topic: Ebiraland at Crossroad: 21st Century Perspective, is a topic worthy of scholarly attention. I settled for it hence with the belief of calling us to mind, such task deserving scholarly attention. As the lesson begins, what will be discussed is an opinion hence, your suggestions are most welcomed. It is high time we presented Ebira to the world in an academic milieu.


In West African Nigeria, we have 250 ethnic groups and Ebira is one of them. The "Ebira" ethnic group is usually found mostly in Kogi State, located at the centre of the state precisely.
Ebira means 'behaviour’. Ebira people are accommodating, peaceful, loving and hardworking.

They have this customary food called “apapa” that is mostly loved by everyone in Ebira land and it is highly celebrated by all. Apapa looks like moi-moi but the colour is different and very rich in protein than moi-moi. Also, the coat of the beans is not removed when picking.

The migration of Ebira people to the present region is mostly surmised by oral history.

However, most versions trace the migration from the Jukuns of the Kwararafa state, north of the Benue River and in present-day
Taraba State. One of the relics of their trace from Kwararafa is the Apete stool, their symbol of authority and identity as a group within the kingdom, brought along and kept in a place in Opete (deriving its name from the stool), in present-day Ajaokuta. The Apete is presently the title instrument of Ozumi of Okene.

After migration from Kwararafa, they originally settled with the Igalas and both groups lived together for about 300 years. A dispute between the two groups led to a parting of ways, and the Ebiras moved southwest of the River Niger to their ancestral home called Ebira Opete an area around Ajaokuta . Other groups later moved south to found Okengwe, Uboro and Okehi.

Historically, these Ebira communities were autonomous units without a central king or recognized royal families but were managed by leaders of lineages in a type of gerontocracy.

The Ebira came into contact with European culture during the colonial period. Similar to the Missionary activities, colonial presence in Ebiraland must have stretched from parts of the country which had earlier come under indirect rule.

Despite the regal consolidations which began in the 1880s, the first administrative encounter of the British with Ebiraland was not until 1900 – when Sir Frederick Lugard took over the government of Northern Nigeria from the Royal Niger Company and hoisted the British flag in Lokoja, the present capital of Kogi State. Prior to this time, British presence had begun to spread across the Northern borders, and had taken over the administration of key settlements along the Niger-Benue areas: Bida (in the present Niger State), Ilorin (in Kwara State), Ibi, Wase and Donga between 1884 and 1898. But the conquest tide did not stretch down into Ebira nation until 1903 after William Goldie received the authorisation of the British Privy Council for the establishment of the Royal Niger Company (RNC) in Lokoja. Many historians believe this as mere smokescreen for further occupation of sovereign Northern territories (Idu, 2004).

The major items of trade through the company were kernels, palm oil and cotton from far provinces in the North, and other agricultural products through its operational headquarters in Lokoja. The whole of Ebiraland according to Idu (2004) was later marked out as an economic annex of the RNC in 1890, and military garrisons built in surrounding municipals to forestall uprisings.

With huge military presence in Northern cities, lesser provinces like Ebiraland and other towns within the Middle Belt areas became vulnerable to British’s imperial might.

In 1890, Governor Lord Lugard, a British explorer and Colonial Administrator took over from the RNC and stationed his base in Lokoja. His style of conquest differed somewhat from his predecessors’. To conquer the land and fully have it under his rule, he admixed diplomacy with force. Upon arrival, eight of his men led by Captain Beddoes were sent to explain the terms of relationship to the Ebira nation – a proposal flatly rejected by the chiefs (Idu, 2004).

In 1902, a small military escort led by Mr. Malcom and Lt. F.F. Byng-Hall were sent to explore and subject the area under colonial rule. As it was in other regions, the people resisted until they were subdued by the superior fire-power of West African Frontier Force (WAFF) pitched amidst the locals to ‘tame’ them.

By 1904, Ebira finally agreed to co-operate with the English under Mr. Morgan who at the time was the Residential Officer of Kabba and all Ebira provinces (Idu, 2004).

The British conquest of most African territories rode on the back of evangelism.

The earliest means of contact with English in most African cities was through the missionary activities – later hijacked by the colonial powers. Natives who had embraced the new faith were promptly taught the basics of English and made local evangelists to help make proselytes of their kinsmen and equally teach them the new tongue. A similar scenario marked the arrival of English in Ebiraland at the early stage. The majority of the early school missionary centres were mostly run by teachers who were either mission clergies or attachés of the religious movements.

They preached and taught in English, both in churches and schools.
Local missionaries who came from the South also relied on English and Yoruba (being their first language) for their assignments. As fact, the first pupils of the CMS elementary school in 1918 were the Church’s Catechist and Festus Alusoka – who both were of Yoruba extraction. Though some Arabic Jihadists – who had earlier invaded from the North – settled among the natives, their linguistic influence was relatively slight.


Before the advent of Islam, Ebira people practised a form of African traditional religion with a central focus on a god called Ohomorihi , the rain-maker who lives in the sky. Rites are performed to appease the god whose attributes include punishing evildoers and rewarding good people. Other religious figures below the Ohomorihi are ori (deities) and spirits. In Ebira tradition, there is a belief in a spirit world where dead ancestors live.


In the early history of Ebira people, the family was headed by the father or the oldest male who acted as the provider, religious leader and the protector of the nuclear family.

Other important social systems are compounds( Ohuoje ) which are composed of related or kindred patrilineal families, Ovovu , the outer compounds and then lineages( Abara ), composed of several related compounds. 

The Clan ( Iresu ) which is a community of kindred lineages in Ebiraland is led by the Otaru. Clan identities are distinguished by symbols mostly animals such as leopard, crocodile, python or buffalo. The affairs of the community were managed by a group of elder male members each representing related lineages.

The principal occupation of Ebira people is agriculture. They cultivate maize, yams, cassava and vegetables. In the nineteenth century, some communities cultivated and traded beni seeds. Ebiras are also known for their weaving and crafts.


21st Century Ebira social life has seen changes over the years, though farming is still a dominant occupation, many Ebiras are influenced by Western and contemporary Nigerian culture and live in urban settlements. Behaviours such as polygamy and a close relationship with a related lineage are fading and the Attah or Ohinoyi is no longer the dominant political authority within the land.

Before now, I used to believe our major problem in Ebiraland is clan. Some folksingers and night masquerades like Late Dio Ozi Niger, Irenuohi Odenku, Sementy Ovehira, Arijenu Ihima, Adebira Eika, etc. identified both clan and political fluctuation as the major consequences of the recorded wars in Ebiraland thus setting the land underdeveloped until now it is witnessing turn of phase. That is true to some extent.

There is no more war in Ebiraland. Something dangerous affect us still. The paradigm is *chronic lies.*

 In education, among those these lies have affected in the educational sector are Prof. Abdullahi Aliyu and Prof. Abdullahi Onimisi, all former Provosts of Federal College of Education, Okene. They were unable to complete their administration as a result of some laid up chronic lies supported by Dio Ozi Niger, in his 2002 musical collection. It was after their transfer from the College the environs saw the need of their attaining such position and the marvelous intentions of the two Professors.

Politically, where lies are predominant, it is only in Ebiraland you will hear that an Okene man is a stranger in Okehi land, a district of Ebiraland still.

Attempt contesting for any political office in the present day Ebira society. Do not bother submitting any birth certificate to the Independent National Electoral Commission, my people are `perfect in this act. Your history is contained in their left hands.

21st century Ebiraland  is  ridden  with  phenomenon  of  violent  conflict. The  people  took  to  nerve  explosion  and  self  immolation. If  it is  not  a  violent  contest  between  political  parties;  it  is  one  Ebira  community  versus another.  At  other  time,  it  could  be  one  masquerade  group  versus  another  or  one  clan against  another.  At  a  time  it  was  Idozumi  versus  Idoji  in  Okene,  at  other  time  it  was two  clan  groups  in  Adavi  that  engaged  in  war  of  attrition.  Again  in  the  Adavi  area,  it was  Adavi  versus  Ihima  and  two  clan  groups  in  Ogaminana  tore  each  other  apart. Ogu  and  Omoye  clan  groups in Okene have also mauled each  other  to  bits.  The  violent conflicts  are  often  occasioned  with  the  use  of  guns  and  other  dangerous  weapon, leading  to  razing  down  of  magnificence  building  of  opponents,  cremation  of  lives  and fleeing  of  people  who  also  become  refugees  in  neighbouring  towns  and  villages. Eyire versus Ehebe and Omavi are still fresh in our minds.

Government  reports  concerning  the  cases  of  violence  indicted  politicians  for fomenting  violence  in  Ebiraland. The  accused  are  usually  left  unpunished,  thus,  it appeared  the  government  was  interested  in  the  conflicts.  Although  relative  peace  has been  restored  in  Ebiraland  as  the  2019 recently concluded elections  were  peaceful.  Yet  the  problem  is  far from  being  totally  resolved.  This  is  because  people  are  not  ready  to  say  the  truth  as a result  of  fear  of  been  killed.

It  was  observed  that the  control  of  masquerade  institution  by  young  gangs  has  led  to its  use  as  instrument  of  unleashing  terror  and  fomenting  troubles  thereby  forcing successive  governments  in  both  Kwara  and  Kogi  states  to  enact  laws  banning  the echane  festival  celebration.  In  fact,  the  threat  and  imposition  of  ban  at  one  time  or  the other  have  not  yielded  positive  result  as  the  festival  continued  to  be  characterised  by violence.  Tenuche,  (2009)  notes  that  since  1979,  none  of  the  celebrations  of  the annual  Ekuechi  festival  has  been  devoid  of  violence.  Unemployment  among  youths and  manipulation  by  some  powerful  community  leaders  have  been  attributed  to  youth violence  under  the  façade  of  masquerade  festival.

The  victims  of  violence  are  mainly  the  women  and  the  children;  several  women turned  widows  with  added  responsibilities  of  children  upbringing  in  addition  to industrious  women  having  their  wares  destroyed  when  properties  and  markets  are torched  by  irate  youth‟s  groups.

The  change  of  value  system  also  has  its  fingerprints  of  youth  restiveness  in Ebiraland. 

The  Ebira  society  was  mainly  agrarian.  Having  a  large  family  in  those  days was  an  asset  which  could  be  employed  for  farm  work.  Hence  people  were  encouraged to  marry  as  many  wives  as  possible  because  it  was  not  difficult  to  cater  for  the  family. Laziness  and  joblessness  were  never  condoned.  With  modern  civilization, children have  to  go  to  school.

Children  no  longer  labour  with  their  parents  in  the  farm;  hence, the  need  for  marrying  many  wives  was  no  longer  necessary.  The  inability  or  refusal  of many  parents  to  change  in  line  with  the  current  value  system  created  some  social problems  which  include  having  many  children  beyond  what  one  could  cater  for, leading  to  denial  of  education  because  of  lack  of  funds  to  pay  school  fees,  poverty, lack  of  control  among  others.  The  resultant  effect  is  becoming  unruling  and  rebellious to  parents,  alienation  to  express  their  feeling  leading  to  antagonism  and  resistance, encouraging  the  use  of  drug  and  other  stimulants  to  strike  back  at  parents  and  society. A  corollary  of  the  above  is  what  Ogido  (2008)  described  as  parent  “eating  the  food they  cannot  swallow”  that  parents  should  have  children  they  will  be  able  to  cater  for. The  implication  of  this  is  that  if  husband  could  not  provide  for  his  wife  and  children, abdicating  his  responsibilities  will  serve  as  a  negative  role  model  for  the  children.

Another  observable  phenomenon  responsible  for  youth  violence  in  Ebiraland  is  the growing  discontentment  amongst  the  youths  on  the  activities  of  the  elders  in Ebiraland. 

Their  performance  in  public  offices  left  much  to  be desired.  The  youth  saw their  failure  in  the  inability  to create enabling  environment  for  the  youth  to  prove  their mettle.  They  failed  to  use  their  public  offices  to  alleviate  poverty  in  form  of  job creation  and  provision  of  social  facilities.  In  the  light  of  the  above,  the  youths  have determined  to  shift  the  balance  of  power.  They  insisted  on  fielding  in  their  candidates to  contest  elections.  This  has  led  to  procreation  of  several  youth  organizations  that straddle  civil  servants,  academics,  market  women,  retired  military  personnel  and  even students  (Tenuche,  2002). 

Examples  of  these  youth  organizations  are  The  People Initiative  Foundation  (PIF),  Ebira  Youth  Congress  (EYC),  Pal  Collectives  (PC)  to mention  just  a  few  (Audu, 2009).  It  is  also  interesting  to  notes  that  these  orgaisations are  conglomerate  of  different  youth  associations  of  Ebira  descent  across  the  country with  main  objectives  of  promoting  unity,  peace  and  development  of  Ebiraland.  For example,  the  EYC  is  made  up  of  152  Ebira  clubs  and  association  across  the  length  and breath  of  Nigeria  (Tenuche,  2002).

It is  necessary  to  state  that  the  aforementioned  clubs  and  association  are  also implicated  in  conflicts  situation  in  Ebiraland.  Once  a  member  was  attacked,  the  club members  jointly  retaliated  to  put  their  enemies  at  bay  and  equally  showed  the  strength of  their  club  through  display  of  weapons.  These  clubs  financed  their  activities  through collection  of  levies  and  dues  from  their  members  in  accordance  with  the  charter  of their  clubs.  These  clubs  compete  among  themselves  by  demonstrating  the  immense proportion  and  sophistication  of  their  weapons  at  any  slightest  provocation.  A  good case  in  point  is  the  organization  of  a  beauty  pageant  to  select  the  most  beautiful  girl  in Ebiraland.  This  contest  resulted  in  violent  conflagration  in  which  Ebira  central  market was  burnt  and  many  lives  were  lost  all  on  an  alledged  “trespass”  of  another  club members‟  girl  friend  (Audu,  2009).


Below are some of the
recommendations of moving Ebiraland to the next level;

Allowing hate speeches and incompetence, nepotism will never yield positively rather, promoting fairness, justice and peaceful coexistence among the rising population should be the watchword of all and sundry. One can, therefore, no longer fold his arms but engage some of the issues that have confronted us as an ethnic group and threatened our national identity.

There is the need for massive awareness to change the mindsets of the diasporas and those at home. I challenge our tertiary institutions to break the disconnect between them and the political institutions and industries not only to fashion out the appropriate curriculum to drive this new orientation to confront our political and economic malaise but also to lead cutting edge research in providing correct local solutions to our diverse of problems.

For Ebiraland to move forward, unity must be our watchword. Our votes in November 16th 2019 gubernatorial election should be the option for our collective progress. Let’s say no to passing of bucks and blame games. We should rather fix our ethnic group collectively by standing against non-Ebira candidate. Let's make proper use of our votes by not wasting it. Our quest for perfect democracy should not be dependent on any cyclic cabals or leaders but on our responsibility as an active Ebira citizen. Let’s salvage ourselves and regain freedom from sections of fallacy and failed promises of the past. Yahaya Bello should be reconsidered.
Ebira culture is invaluable and priceless. It is what defines us as a nation. Without it, we lose our identity and it is important that all efforts are made to ensure that it does not erode in the face of a western invasion. This revival needs to cut across all the fabric of our social life, including our dressing, language and social interactions which have been kicked to the backseat in the name of modernisation. As part of contribution to the return of these lost values, the following suggestions are symbolically worth considering;

 Parents have key roles to play. Family is the smallest cell of any society. If the family fails, the society fails. Present day reality has parents and their children competing with each other when it comes to abuse of morality. With the display of unhealthy behaviours, they lose the temerity to caution the younger generation. This needs to change as each parent’s duty is direct their children to the right path.

Young people are expected to be the promoters of culture but this generation does not seem to be interested in it. The craze to adopt foreign belief system is overwhelming and youths need to see the value of Nigeria’s culture. Conferences should be organised for them so that they can see the value in our culture. The more young people appreciate our culture, the less people have to worry about anti-social behaviours.

Also, the past is a perfect compass for the future. Recall a time when women left the doors of their stores unlocked and unmanned through the night without the fear of being robbed crossing her mind. This was the degree of trustworthiness and sincerity members of communities has with each other. If you try it today, everything in your store will disappear in a jiffy! That past can be restored if efforts are made to teach children the importance of being responsible.

Finally, but very importantly, is the need for us to embark on intercessory prayers for Ebiraland. Prayer is an essential ingredient for success. It is the motivation that is used to seek for divine gift, the spirit that is used to seek for the bounty of the Almighty, and the sword of the believer. So we must have faith in God and seek for his face so that we can break the mountains of horrors placed before us by our hands.

Every ovation no matter how loud has duration. I bring this lecture to close. Expecting your various contributions. As rightly said, if you thank a man for what he has done, he will have the power to do more. Once again, I thank you sincerely for the recognition accorded me in this presentation.

Farouk Ozigi Onimisi
NCE (English)
BA.Ed. (English -in view)

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