Bello’s Deviation From Govt Policies Caused Our Face-Off —Achuba

 What was it like working with Governor Yahaya Bello?
As it should be, it was cordial. As we were going, government policies were fantastic. Things started going wrong when implementation of these policies were not forthcoming. It was becoming very challenging for us as a government and as a party. At that point, I started insisting on the legacies we would be remembered for. We cannot just be writing policies only to abandon them; it amounts to nothing at the end of the day.

Did Governor Bello pick you himself or someone suggested you to him as his  deputy?
Everyone knows me as a liberal politician who believes that the governorship position can be held by any part of the state. As a result, I supported the Ebira agitation. They saw me as a liberal person who will be able to contain all that and, secondly, because of my antecedent in the state as someone who is fair and just, Bello invited me and said he would like me to be the deputy governor and I obliged. I will continue to be grateful for that.
 What role did your party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), play in resolving the crisis that arose between you and the governor?
Individually, some persons intervened. I think, the national chairman, Adams Oshiomhole, did. But the issue has not been taken holistically.
Is it true that it was Edward Onoja that singlehandedly chose you to be the deputy governor at the time you were there?
Onoja didn’t know me that much. He knew me as an Igala man, not as much as people from the Central Senatorial district.
 You are in court to challenge your impeachment. Are you ready to return to work with Governor Bello if the court rules in your favour?
I have been working as the deputy governor, and I am still the deputy governor, irrespective of whether there is court judgment or not. I am the sitting deputy governor and I will continue to be that until there is another election and a winner sworn in.
What really was it like working with Governor Bello?
It was not, in itself, bad. The issue is that he has a lord in person of the former chief of staff, Edward Onoja. He lords it over the governor. He stays on his neck and the governor cannot turn without him. No commissioner can function; no special adviser can function. Anything you do, he would say no and insist on that position until he had his way. And the governor cannot do anything about it.
 Were there any instance that you made a suggestion and Onoja didn’t allow it to scale through?
Yes, many times. I have advised the governor on many occasions and he would agree. But the moment Onoja came in, he would say no. And the governor would also change his decision.
For instance, there was a time I suggested we pick a few projects, complete and inaugurate them to show something as achievements. The governor agreed, but when the chief of staff came in, the story changed.
Another example is the issue of education. Most of the secondary schools in Kogi State are not functional. I told them to let us select maybe one or two per local government area, that we should have at least one or two functional schools in each local government. The governor agreed. I said putting one here and another one there does not show much efforts. He should let us harmonise them to make it more presentable. The governor agreed. No one brought a better idea than that. But because of special interest in favouring some persons with contracts and personal interest of powerful people in the government, the story changed.
On the issue of your impeachment, What is the latest development?
We are in court. We objected to the vacation of our objection to the impeachment notice. We have also filed more grounds of objection. The court will decide.
 What is your reaction to the allegation that you were working for the opposition while you were in office, to the extent that you lost your ward in the general election?
I have never defected. I didn’t Iose my ward. What they have been doing is to fly a kite that I was about to defect to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) or any other party. When they saw that it didn’t happen, they started another story. The issue is that we have been in this since 1999. And one has travelled along many roads and along the lines, you meet so many people.
For instance, this morning, a former speaker of the state House of Assembly, Angulu; and Kizito came to see me. These two are in the PDP. They came to see me. We have been neighbours all along. It does not mean that one is hobnobbing with the PDP. One’s relationship with others sometimes goes beyond politics. We are in position to render services; and services are not only meant for the APC.
 As a member of APC, will you campaign for your party in the coming governorship election in the state?
I am not a member of the party’s campaign committee. So, I will not be out there campaigning. But I have only one vote and I will exercise my voting right.
However, I am calling on President Muhammadu Buhari to look at the issue passionately and make sure the right thing is done. If this is not done, the future I see in Kogi State is bleak, that is if this is not nipped in the bud. The level of arrogance being displayed in this democratic setting is amazing. And when the people start to react, the end result will not be palatable.
 President Buhari recently asked the National Assembly to approve N10 billion refund for federal roads constructed in the state. What’s your take on this?
Where are the roads that were constructed in any part of the state for which money needs to be refunded? You are in Kogi State here. Do you see any road? What then is the refund for?
 What will be your next move after all this?
I remain and will continue to remain in politics. My future is in the hands of God. He alone will decide my next move.
 Do you regret working with Governor Bello, in view of what happened between you?
Nothing like regret; no action has taken place-there was no impeachment. I am still the deputy governor. So, nothing to regret about.

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