God, Please Give Me Strength On The Days I Feel I Can’t Go On Anymore

Lately, I feel like I am running on fumes. I am on empty; my strength odometer is on zero right now.
Sometimes I wonder if the suffering will ever end. I have defeated every obstacle that has crossed my path, but I am tired. After each battle that I have won, there was another one waiting around the corner.

They say that God gives the toughest battles to the stronger soldiers, but God, you must have a lot of faith in me because sometimes I don’t even know how to keep going. Sometimes I just want to give up and let life have its way with me and destroy me.
I am not asking you to make my trials go away, because I know that my trials make me more resilient. I am not asking you to make the pain go away, because I know pain makes me stronger. I am not asking you to make life easier, because I know that the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. Instead, I simply ask you to give me strength because I feel weak—I am exhausted, and I’m not sure how much more I can take.
Some days I feel like I just can’t go on. Everything feels like too much for me right now, and I know that I don’t have the strength to get through this on my own. There is only darkness inside my brain and pain flowing through my veins.
There are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. Some of these things make me feel helpless and lost. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep me from sinking further in the quicksand.
Dear God, I know that you are working on me to become the man that I am meant to be, but I ask you to please give strength on the days I feel like I can’t go on anymore.
I know that I can come to you and that you will hear me out. I know that it is not your intent to bring me to this point just to leave me in the eye of the storm alone. Please shelter my mind from the storms that roam inside.
My heart is troubled, but I am fully trusting you to give me the strength that I need for the days ahead.
God, I come to you for strength—strength for my body to keep pushing, strength for my mind to keep going, and strength for my soul to keep living. I need your strength to stand strong in the midst of situations that require much of me.
God, I come to you for help—the help that I need to face every adversity that crosses my path.
God, please give me the strength that I need today so I can see another tomorrow
By Adabara Abduljelil 

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