Gunmen, on Thursday night invaded the Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic in Zaria Local Government Area, abducted two academic staff, three students and killed one student while another is receiving treatment.
“It happened around 11pm yesterday. We heard the gunshots but did not know what happened in the school because we were behind the school’s compound,” a student who asked not to be named told DAILY POST.
According to him, “As of this morning, (Friday), we got information that two academic staff were abducted; one Mr Habila Nasai and Mallam Adamu Shika.
“Also, the wife and two children of Mallam Ahmed Abdullahi were kidnapped but later released this morning.
“Three unidentified students were also kidnapped. One of those kidnapped is Ahmed, he is in HND Two Statistics. Two students were shot by the gunmen, one died while the other is receiving treatment.”
Pregnant woman, others kidnapped in Zaria
It is not clear as of press time how the kidnappers gained access into the school, but sources told DAILYPOST that it was not the first time an abduction would occur in the school.
DAILY POST contacted Mohammed Jalige, the Public Relations Officer of the Kaduna State Police Command, but he did not answer calls put to his phone
Kidnapping incidents have been the order of the day in Kaduna State.
Few months ago, 39 students of School of Forestry, Afaka were kidnapped but released after the parents paid undisclosed ransom.
Also, a week later, students of Greenfield University, along Kaduna-Abuja road were kidnapped.
Their parents said they paid 160 million Naira, including 10 brand new motorcycles before their children were released.