Kids inherit intelligence from their mums - and there's a scientific explanation. Sorry to all the dads out there, but your little one probably takes after their mum

Kids inherit intelligence from their mums, studies show (Image: Taxi)
It's a topic of great debate for plenty of families - who did the kids inherit their intelligence from?

Mums and dads like to joke that the positive traits their kids have come from them, whether it's smarts, good looks, sports skills or their musical ability.

But it turns out that there's actually a scientific reason kids inherit their intelligence from their mums - so sorry about that, dads.

Multiple studies have shown that the X chromosome is responsible for carrying intelligence.

Women have two of these chromosomes (XX) and men have only one (XY) - so they are twice as likely to pass down intelligence to their children as the fathers are.

So if you're looking for a way to win the argument, mums, this could be it.

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