I made this post some months ago, just before the November 16th election and I feel it is important to bring it back again just to remind us that the desired goal is the target and not who does what. If your contribution to the governor's victory was for personal favors, please be patient with him perhaps he may see the need to cojmpensate you later but if your are the struggle for common good, please don't be discouraged let the ultimate objective be your drive. Who does the job is none of our concern provided the job is well done.
The post:
When Bello wins Inn Shaa Allah. Individuals and all groups may choose personal interest over public good.
Ezi-ogu will want slots.
Ezi-Omoye will demand for slots.
Ezi-udu will ask for slots.
Other clans will not want to be left out.
Ezi-Ehebe will want to have it all.
All groups will be agitating for their members to be given slots and all social media influencers will be asking for slots in form of compensations for their hard work and a job well done.
His current cabinet men may all be pushing for an upgrade of portfolios or maintain their various offices at least.
Those that will be lucky to make his new list of appointees may be striving to meet up with those of the former materially and otherwise.
We may all greedily be pursuing our personal interest as groups or as individuals and forget that of common good.
We may forget that all roads projects across the region and the state at large need to be completed.
We may be pursuing personal good and forget that we need to join forces with him to pressurize the federal government for Ajaokuta to work and create employment for us, thereby taking our youths off the street.
We may go for personal gain and forget to ask him to create a sister company like omi rice factory in our region.
We may choose personal good over assisting him to put an end to the long aged water crisis in our region.
We may be too busy pursuing personal interest and forget to ask him to bring a faculty of both the state and federal university to our region.
We may forget to remind him of the best dividend of democracy; Education, we may forget to ask him for more investment in Education and security.
We may forget to remind him that Okene is still not yet the small London as late Abubakar Audu jokingly said.
My deep worry; we may choose person good over public interest.
Shafiu zubair