This birthday is a great and positive one and I feel abundantly blessed for having you as Mother for all who gets our youths and women trained and empowered, pays indigent students schools fees, and foots medical bills of the needy. You are a benefactor of our time. I feel an immense, pure, accurate and endless love for you on your glamorous hope for your immeasurable progress. According to Holy Qur'an, A verse from the Quran says: “Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward .”
I called you an irreplaceable Mummy as it impossible to measure your motherly care, purposes or compare it to anything I or others might have acquired from you. I have all relevant hope and assurance that you will never stop being a good mother to the society. Your usefulness is endless because it reassures me that it will endure all summer, winter, spring and ages.
We rejoice with you as you celebrate your birthday today that your life remains bright and functions side by side with favour and grace. As you have counted me into your family, I detect that you hold and assume an important position in my life. Your existence really matters a lot.
This immense love from you is all yours and yours alone. This love is what moves and targets my thoughts towards your early achievements that makes us proud of you. Your brilliance and intelligence are remarkable in this government. Your beauty is not for nothing. It has been justified by your amazing qualities that make you a special in any position given to you.
With you, with the emotion that your existence as a humanitarian close to me, bring to me, I am capable of getting over and stand on top of all dangers and obstacles that life has brought to me and one that it might bring in the future.
For supporting me, I’m unable to give in to sadness and desperation. It is you who makes me experience the greater trust and joy inspite of my Physically Challenged state; you’re already a part, in fact a reason for my happy soul!
Yes, my sweet mummy, you are part of my happy soul because you’re the one that makes it a meaningful today, and today I would like to tell you how much joy I feel remembering now that it is your birthday.
May this birthday shower all kinds of blessings on you. Favour, grace, abundant and unlimited uplifting will be your portion. You will never die young as you will live long for a sweet and interesting fulfilment of your purposes.
More successful years will come for you. Happy birthday to you my outstanding Mummy General.
*Comr. Yakubu Nazir Abdulhakeem*