We Won't Accept Further Delay in The Nomination of Ward Special Assistants By Some Wards And Local Government Councils


Sometimes ago, I gave a directive to the effect that every Ward should meet and present three nominees to represent them in my administration as Ward Special Assistants (WSA). In line with our gender sensitivity and deliberate policy for women inclusion, I directed that at least one of the nominees should be a woman. 

Our decision to give the Wards such an opportunity is to take governance back to the grassroots and build a strong link between our government and the people. It is also pertinent to note that we are determined to ensure those representing our people at the grassroots in my administration stay with them and can easily give us feedback on how best to serve them in line with our promises. 

Those to be recommended for appointments as WSAs must be people who live permanently with their people at that level. It is intended to be completely grassroot-based. 

While some Wards/Local Government Areas have submitted proofs of their compliance with the modalities, others are deliberately delaying the process because of their sinister motives to submit names of people living in Kaduna, Abuja and Lagos and probably their relatives. This will be unacceptable. 

Those who are yet to submit their lists have between now and the end of May to do so or our Fact Finding Team that will go round the 239 Wards to verify the processes and how genuine such choices are, will help them organize the Ward meetings and come up with the lists. 

Under my watch and in line with the practice of  Mr President through the Renewed Hope Agenda, the people at the grassroots  will remain the most important Stakeholders in our administration. Those who represent their people will be those they have given their mandate to represent them in my government. They must be people who live with them and understand their needs. This is the path we have chosen to take. 

I therefore urge those who are mandated to drive the process to do so immediately to avoid a situation where the Fact Finding Team will organize the Ward Meetings to determine their nominees. 

This is for immediate compliance please. 

HE Ahmed Usman Ododo 

20th May, 2024.

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